For Early Education Programs and Providers

Become a Provider
Family child care providers may care for up to six children (up to 10 children with an approved assistant) in their home. FCC providers are licensed by the Department of Early Education and Care. Learn more about Family Child Care licensing requirements.
Teachers in a group setting, such as a preschool program or out-of-school time program, have their professional qualifications certified through the Department of Early Education and Care. Learn more about the six types of EEC professional qualifications certification.
Become a Subsidy Provider
The Department of Early Education and Care (EEC) provides financial assistance to eligible families through a reimbursement to programs that care for the children of these families. As a child care professional concerned with the quality of care, and a business person concerned with maintaining a stable enrollment to meet fixed costs, you can benefit from participation in the subsidy system. Expand your options by accepting vouchers.
EEC maintains a Financial Assistance Policy Guide to explain the financial assistance guidelines and procedures.
The Department of Early Education and Care establishes a maximum daily rate to reimburse programs. View the reimbursement rate chart for more information.
Providers interested in getting more information about accepting vouchers in their program, or in getting a subsidy agreement form to review, should contact Child Care Network for assistance.
Provider Professional Development
Child Care Network supports all early education professionals in their pursuit of increased knowledge and skills that translate to improved interactions with children and families. CCN’s Educator Training & Support Manager can provide technical assistance and support to any child care provider contacting CCN. If you are a provider, you may want to get on the list to receive CCN’s monthly newsletter with upcoming training dates and curriculum suggestions. Contact the Training & Support Manager if you are interested in coaching or other assistance with reaching your professional goals.
The Department of Early Education and Care funds StrongStart Professional Development Centers (PDCs). PDCs offer regionally based training and technical assistance for educators that aligns with EEC licensing requirements and MA QRIS quality improvement standards. View more information on the Southeast Professional Development Center.